Compatibility between tropical fish species

Often, the aquarist plans the assembly of his aquarium by choosing those fish that capture his attention in the commercial aquarium. But the truth is that it is vital to know the habits and needs of each fish, in order to evaluate the compatibility between the different species.

Be sure to get expert advice from traders, if they do not respond satisfactorily to your queries, contact other specialists or amateur associations who want to provide you with information. The choice of fish will condition the assembly and maintenance of the entire aquarium.

Factors that make compatibility

Food habits, which mean that in community aquariums, special care must be taken to ensure that each species receives its required food, depending on the case of strictly herbivorous or carnivorous fish. If all the fish in the aquarium were omnivores it is easier to ensure their feeding. Bottom fish require food such as pellets or sinking granules, so that only fish that traverse the surface of the water do not eat the food.

The type of water according to its characteristics, soft or hard, neutral acid or alkaline, will make certain fish unable to live together, because they do not belong to the same medium. For example, African and American cichlids could not live together, beyond their different behaviors, because of the difference in their pH needs.

The size of the aquarium influences noticeably. When there are large territorial fish, such as scalars and other small cardumen fish such as neon, it will require a very large fish tank, so that the neons have their hiding places and the scalars have a territory to demarcate.

Behavior in the aquarium is another determining factor. Certain fish such as Disks are very peaceful and nervous, therefore, they can live high stress if accompanied by hyperactive or aggressive fish. Such stress will bring as consequences an increased predisposition to diseases or the impossibility of reproducing.

Below, you have a table of compatibility among the most frequent species of aquarium fish. This table was developed by seasoned aquarist Sergio Ledo, whom we thank for allowing us to make use of it.

Table of compatibility among freshwater tropical fish
Table of compatibility among freshwater tropical fish

More information

© Adrián Blanco 2006 — Prohibited the total or partial reproduction of text and/or images without explicit written consent of the author.

por Adrian Blanco