They have aroused great fanaticism among fans of aquarianism. African Cichlids are large and very colorful. They come from lakes such as Tanganyika and Malawi. These African fish are usually very territorial, aggressive and fighting. They require hard, alkaline and highly oxygenated water.
In order to reduce territorial competition, large aquariums are used very populated and with many rocks. Investigate the habits of each species. They tend to reproduce soon and that brings problems if they don't know their habits. Fish spawning on the substrate will need large fish tanks, to divide the territory. It is generally recommended to have three females for each male to reduce levels of aggressiveness.
Yellow Cichlid
Neolamprologus leleupiYellow Cyclone
This cichlid originates from Lake Tanganyika in Africa. It usually inhabits waters with temperatures ranging from 23 to 26° C, with alkaline pH between 7.5 and 8.5. Water should be moderately hard (dH 15 to 25º). Their diet is quite varied. In captivity in the aquarium is well suited to live and frozen foods such as daphnia and artemia. Also provide dried and vegetable food to balance. Reaches a maximum size of 7 cm.
In order for it to fit well into the aquarium, you will need a soft substrate and abundance of large rocks that form caves. This reproduces the characteristics of its wild habitat. Males are aggressive among themselves and also with females despised for their group. They breed and spawn among the rocks. The female lays almost 100 eggs that she defends with earnest.
julidochromis dickfeldi
Julidochromis dickfeldiJulidochromis dickfeldi
Julidochromis is located on the south-west coast of Lake Tanganyika. Inhabits water with temperatures ranging between 24 and 26° C, with very alkaline pH reaching 8.5. In terms of hardness, the values in which it inhabits reach up to 20º. This cichlid is carnivorous. In captivity in the aquarium is well suited to live and frozen foods such as daphnia and artemia. It is a fairly small cichlid that barely reaches 8 cm long.
It is not advisable to have this species with much larger specimens. It adapts well in small groups in aquariums with many hiding places to delimit territories between males. In the wild it lives among the rocks, so you will need to equip an aquarium with stones almost to the surface. If you put it together with other Julidochromis, it is very likely that it will reproduce leading to hybridization.
Labidochromis Caeruleus
Labidochromis caeruleusLabidochromis Caeruleus
This cichlid originates from Lake Malawi in Africa. It usually inhabits waters with temperatures ranging from 23 to 26° C, with very generally alkaline pH , between 7.5 and 8.5. Water should be slightly hard (dH up to 15º). Their diet is quite varied. In captivity in the aquarium is well suited to live and frozen foods such as daphnia and artemia. Also provide dried and vegetable food to balance. Reaches a maximum size of 8 cm.
It is characterized by being one of the most peaceful specimens of Lake Malawi. His pale body takes more coloration during the reproductiveperiod, especially males. There are two varieties of this fish in the wild habitat, with different eating habits, although both carnivorous. Both adapt well to life in captivity.
Lamprologus Sp
Lamprologus SpLamprologus
This cichlid originates from Lake Tanganyika, where it inhabits waters with temperatures ranging between 23 and 26° C, with very alkaline pH between 8 and 8.5. The aquarium water must be conditioned so that it has a hardness not greater than 20°. Since it is omnivorous, its diet is quite varied. In the aquarium it adapts well to live food such as daphnia and artemia (may be frozen). Also provide dried and vegetable food to balance. Reaches a maximum size of 7 cm.
It is very attractive for the aquarium because of its vivid colors and the length of its fins. To be a cichlid, it is a very quiet fish even during the reproductiveperiod. Be sure to provide large rocks or snails where they can spawn. The young remain hidden until they reach a certain development. Feed them freshly hatched shrimps.
Melanochromis Johanni
Melanochromis JohanniMelanochromis Johanni
This cichlid originates from Lake Malawi in Africa. It usually inhabits waters with temperatures ranging from 23 to 26° C, with very generally alkaline pH , between 7.5 and 8.5. Water should be slightly hard (dH up to 15º). Their diet is quite varied. In captivity in the aquarium is well suited to live and frozen foods such as daphnia and artemia. Also provide dried and vegetable food to balance. Reaches a maximum size of 7 cm.
Males are somewhat larger than females, also darker. Females are usually more orange. It is important that you have several females for each male present in the aquarium. They reproduce without difficulties. Each female has approximately 30 fry that takes care of in her mouth for a week. Then he releases them and stops paying attention to them.
Neolamprologus brevis
Neolamprologus brevisNeolamprologus Brevis.jpg.webp
This cichlid originates from Lake Tanganyika in Africa. It usually inhabits waters with temperatures ranging from 23 to 26° C, with very generally alkaline pH , between 7.5 and 8.5. Water should be moderately hard (dH 15 to 25º). Their diet is quite varied. In captivity in the aquarium is well suited to live and frozen foods such as daphnia and artemia. Also provide dried and vegetable food to balance. Reaches a maximum size of 4 cm.
This fish is very likely to breed in the aquarium. The female conditions an improvised spawning site, usually composed of light stones or small pieces of wood that she buries in the substrate, which must be somewhat sandy. The couple ferociously defends the perimeter area to eggs, so do not have multiple pairs together if their aquarium is not large enough. The female lays about 20 to 25 eggs at a time.
Pseudotropheus Estherae
Pseudotropheus estheraePseudotropheus Estherae
This cichlid originates from Lake Malawi. It usually inhabits waters with temperatures ranging from 23 to 26° C, with a markedly alkaline pH between 7.5 and 8.5. Water should be slightly hard (dH up to 10º). Their diet is quite varied and in the aquarium it adapts well to live and frozen foods such as daphnia and artemia. It also accepts dried food. Reaches a maximum size of 14 cm.
There are Pseudotropheus Estherae of various colors, from intense blue to orange and yellow. Males are usually blue. They are very prone to reproduction fish, for which they will need spaces between the rocks. Females care for fry through oral gestation.
Pseudotropheus Zebra
Pseudotropheus zebraPseudotropheus Zebra
This cichlid originates from Lake Malawi in Africa. It usually inhabits waters with temperatures ranging from 23 to 26° C, with alkaline pH between 7.5 and 8.5. Water should be slightly hard (dH up to 15º). Their diet is quite varied. In captivity in the aquarium is well suited to live and frozen foods such as daphnia and artemia. Also provide dried and vegetable food to balance. Reaches a maximum size of 10 cm.
There are Pseudotropheus Zebra in several different colors. They are territorial and polygamous, have at least 3 females for each male. Females hold together and take care of the fry through oral gestation. Pseudotropheus devour algae and lentils of water .