They are present in different regions of the world: America (North and South), Africa and Asia. They inhabit the waters of rivers, lakes and seasonal. The latter live only a year, but their eggs endure prolonged droughts. The aquarists acquire them and then raise them. They are classified according to their spawning methods. Killis require soft and acidic water, are insectivores and are not included in community aquariums to avoid aggression.
Southern Aphyosemion It belongs to the family aplocheilidae. It is native to Africa, the eastern region. It lives in waters with temperatures ranging from 20 to 24° C, with pH values between 5.5 and 6.5. The hardness of the water must not exceed 10°. The Cabo Lopez Afiosemión grows to 6 cm. It is omnivorous and in aquariums they adapt well to dry food. It is also important to supplement your diet with frozen food, plant matter and live food, such as small invertebrates.
In some countries it is known as Panchax lyre tail. It can inhabit community aquariums with other peaceful and small fish, always with acid water. If the aquarium is well planted and regularly provides live food, it will encourage it to reproduce smoothly. It will recognize males because they have longer and more colorful fins than females. Females lay large numbers of eggs, although few survive. Feed the fry with artemia.
© Adrián Blanco 2005 — Prohibited the total or partial reproduction of text and/or images without explicit written consent of the author.