The labyrinths, also known as anabantides, come from Asia and Africa. They are usually very showy because of their well-developed fins and vivid colors. They are easy to care for in the aquarium. Reproduction is also relatively simple. They are called labyrinthids because they possess an auxiliary organ in the form of a labyrinth. They have reserves of air in case they are trapped in stagnant waters with low content of oxygen. In reproduction, the male builds nests of small bubbles on the surface of the water. This ensures that the offspring are well oxygenated. The aquarium should be kept capped so that moisture increases.
Betta splendens
The Betta became popular for the colorful and spectacularity of its fins as curtains. It's very aggressive, males fight to the death. They bite their fins and cause a lot of damage. They should be kept alone in small fish tanks without aerator. Females are peaceful, they can be in large groups in community aquariums.
The males choose the female to breed. If a female is offered and the male attacks or rejects her, she must withdraw. Otherwise you can kill her. The male generates a bubble nest on the surface and helps the female in spawning. Then move egg by egg to the nest and take care of them until birth. That's where he teaches them how to swim. At that time the male must be removed, because if he is not removed, he risks killing the fry.
Helostoma temminckii
It grows a lot but does not attack its aquariums, it is peaceful. It needs room to move and moderate oxygenation. Eat algae that grow on glasses and plants in the fish tank. It is ovíparous, although differentiating the sexes is an almost impossible task.
Colisa lalia
It is ideal for living in community aquariums, always with serene companions. Requires peace of mind and very well filtered water. Periodically check the water to avoid infections, to which they are prone. It is usually marketed in pairs. Males are more colorful and thin. For its reproduction have sectors planted in the aquarium, there will make the nest of bubbles for eggs, on the surface. Avoid cross-species, as they will be weaker.
Trichogaster leeri
The Tricho Leeri is one of the most suitable fish for the community aquarium, as it is extremely calm and adapts to acidic and alkalinewaters. Keep it in pairs. It requires peaceful companions as well. To reproduce it in your aquarium, you will need a corner with little movement of water and floating plants, where you will build the bubble nest. Remove the fry as soon as the eggs hatch.
Trichogaster trichopterus
It's very peaceful, and that's how your aquarium companions must be. It prefers temperatures above 24º, although it adapts to colder periods. Lay out the aquarium with plants and trunks that give you security to hide. It is an ideal fish to start populating a new aquarium, as it tolerates varied conditions in the water. This allows the aquarist to start establishing and tuning the water for the definitive inhabitants of the aquarium.
It is advisable to buy them always young in pairs, at least 3 females and 3 males, so that they mate at ease. The male makes the bubble nest and takes care of the eggs, so it can attack other fish, including females. Leave him alone with his nest and eggs. Feed the fry with artemias. They are easy to breed and quite resistant.
© Adrián Blanco 2005 - Prohibited the total or partial reproduction of text and/or images without explicit written consent of the author.