Hello, I wanted to know what information or comments you have about the “flower horn”. I know it's a species not everyone knows, I hope you can help me.

Flower Horn Fish

Flower Horn
Flower Horn
The fish Flower Horn is a cichlid classified in the genus Cichlasoma. It comes from South America and is the result of a hybridization obtained by crossing selected specimens. There are even mixtures with the fish “blood parrot”. This fish is very “fashionable” in Asia, where those governed by the indications of Feng Sshui adopt it frequently. The foundation is, according to the connoisseurs, that the larger the characteristic lump in its head the more prosperity, luck and longevity it will bring to the holder of the fish.

Addressing the aspect that interests us most of those who care for fish in our aquariums, we will detail their conditions required for healthy development in the aquarium. The Flower Horn inhabits warm waters, the recommended temperature for its life in the aquarium is between 28º and 31º C.

Regarding the pH required for the Flower Horn, this cichlid inhabits slightly alkaline waters. Ideally, adjust the pH values of the water between 7.5 and 8, but never more than 8. Alkalinity can be achieved and maintained by placing in the aquarium some small rocks of calcareous origin. These rocks also harden the water, so you should always consult an experienced aquarist.

An important factor in the development of Flower Horn fish is water filtration, which should be highly efficient. This is complemented by changes of 15 to 20% of the water every two weeks. With each partial change of water you can add to the aquarium a few granites of salt for aquariums, a quarter teaspoon of coffee will suffice (it must be very little). To keep the water moving, you can play with the water return of the filter.

The feeding of Flower Horn fish is simple, as it takes scaledfood and live food . It is advisable to give it of both types. The Flower Horn is usually fed up to 3 or 4 times a day, obviously making sure that each serving is very moderate. It is a very voracious fish, so it should not fall into the error of overfeeding.

Regarding the assembly and decoration of the aquarium, it is recommended not to include plants, simply a thin layer of gravel and logs or some medium rocks. If you want to include plantsfor aesthetic reasons, you can choose to stick java moss on rocks or trunks.

The Flower Horn is an extremely territorial and aggressive fish, so it is always better to be alone in the aquarium. If you want to have more than one specimen, be sure to do so in a very large aquarium, close to or larger than 90 litres.

© Adrián Blanco 2007 - No full or partial reproduction of text and/or images without explicit written consent of the author.

sent by walterrebollar

por Adrian Blanco