It is very important that the food we provide to our fish is suitable for their digestive system. If we provide an inadequate diet to a fish, by not knowing its natural habits, we will harm its health.
As in all animals, carnivorous fish have a short intestine, since proteins are quickly digested. Fish whose diet is based on vegetables, have the intestine quite longer, since vegetables require more process to be digested.
Some fish that feed on vegetables also accept meat based foods. It is important to know the habits of fish, to correctly choose the species with which we will populate the aquarium. Consult in the specialized trade, so they will guide you on the habits of the fish and whether their food is always available.
The main live feed options to supply aquarium fish are daphnia, mosquito larvae, newly hatched or adult shrimps (depending on the type of fish to feed) and small worms Tubifex.
There are those who recommend supplying frozen Tubifex, to prevent diseases from entering the aquarium water, it is a valid advice. These foods can be introduced loose into the aquarium, in very small quantities. Although it is considered safer and more appropriate to increase doses, but to provide them in feeders manufactured and designed for this purpose.
There are plant-based flake foods such as spirulina (seaweed), sponge based and protein rich foods for carnivorous diet fish. Dried foods are currently available in a variety of forms, such as scales, granules, lozenges, bars and wafers.
Dry food represents the basis of feeding most tropical aquarium fish. But it is also valid to say that they are only the basis. Dry foods do not have coarse coarse coarse substances, which are extremely important for the digestive system of fish.
Dried foods swell when hydrated, so if you overfeed your fish, you will suffer sometimes fatal consequences. Remember that in wildlife, a fish can spend a week without finding food. This means that they are prepared for not always abundant diets.
The behavior of fish is typical of an animal without reason, if they find food they will eat it even if they do not need it. That is why you should not be carried away by these impulsive acts of fish. Remember: never overfeed the fish, it will cause all sorts of disorders in your health.
© Adrián Blanco 2005 / 2006 — No full or partial reproduction of text and/or images without explicit written consent of the author. —