They inhabit the entire planet, except for the poles. They live in rivers, lakes, lagoons and the sea. Many have spikes on their pectoral and dorsal fins, be careful. They make up a group of 30 families and more than 2,000 species. There are predatory and others more timid and herbivorous species. The most present in aquariums are the Corydoras and the Plecostomus. They are excellent caregivers of the equilibrium of the aquarium, as they eat leftovers of food from the bottom before they rot. They also eat algae that grow on glasses and plants.
They live in Africa and South America. They have very varied life habits. There are peaceful vegetarians, mud hoes and predators like piranhas. They are usually good swimmers and require well oxygenated water.
View guide to African Cichlids
They have aroused fanaticism in the fans. They are large and very colorful. They come from lakes such as Tanganyika and Malawi. African cichlids are very aggressive and fighting. They require hard, alkaline and highly oxygenated water. To reduce territorial competition, large aquariums are used, very populated and with many rocks. Investigate the habits of each species. They tend to reproduce soon and that brings problems if they don't know their habits. Fish spawning on the substrate will need large fish tanks, to divide the territory. It is advisable to have three females for each male.
View South American Cichlids guide
most are small, although some grow up to 50cm in their natural habitat. They are very sought after for their varieties of shapes and colors. Also, some like the Escalars and Discus, attract by their paternalistic reproductive methods. Most are well suited to community aquariums.
The Cyprinidae family inhabits the entire planet except South America, Australia and Antarctica. It has more than 1,400 species. They stand out for characteristics such as their pharyngeal teeth and their differences in size. The resworks do not exceed 3 centimeters, while in India there are species that reach 2.5 meters in length. The species most sought after by the aquarists are the Cebritas, Rásboras, Barbus and Labeos bicolor.
View Guide to Cobitidos and Lochas
These fish come from two families: Cobitidae and Balitoridae. There are almost 500 species. They come from Eurasia and Morocco. The Lochas are said to announce climate change, and it's partly true. Pressure changes affect them. Her swimming bladder is surrounded by thorns. When the pressure varies, the volume of your bladder changes, causing them to release bubbles or come out to the surface for air. They live on the bottom of the aquarium, spend a lot of time hiding among rocks or under the substrate. It is an ideal species for dedicated observers.
They are present in different regions of the world: America (North and South), Africa and Asia. They inhabit the waters of rivers, lakes and seasonal. The latter live only a year, but their eggs endure prolonged droughts. The aquarists acquire them and then raise them. They are classified according to their spawning methods. Killis require soft and acidic water, are insectivores and are not included in community aquariums to avoid aggression.
Labyrinthines, also known as Anabantides, come from Asia and Africa. They are usually very showy because of their well-developed fins and vivid colors. They are easy to care for in the aquarium. Reproduction is also relatively simple. They are called labyrinthids because they possess an auxiliary organ in the form of a labyrinth. In it they have air reserves, in case they are trapped in stagnant waters with low oxygen content. In reproduction, the male builds nests of small bubbles on the surface of the water. This ensures that the offspring are well oxygenated. The aquarium should be kept capped so that moisture increases.
These small fish come from Australia, New Guinea and other islands in that area. They inhabit warm, sweet and brackish waters. They are difficult to find in nature, but they reproduce in the aquarium without problems, although their coloring loses intensity. They are very active fish, they need aquariums with large and clear areas to move around. If water conditions are not adequate, they restrict their mobility. They come from three different families: Melanotaeniidae, Pseudomugilidae and Telmatheriniidae.
See guide to brackish water fish
They inhabit the encounters between river waters and the sea. Their bodies were specially developed, adapted to daily changes in tidal dependent conditions and changes in salinity. You need to keep the aquarium checked daily, they are still difficult to maintain, as they need those changes in the water. Unlike most fish, uniform water conditions harm them. Ask an expert for advice to condition the water with sea salt.
See guide to Poecílidos and Vivparos
They're a minority in nature. Few species are liveable. They are found in North America and Central America. They are the most popular among beginners, the Lebistes or Guppys, the platys, Mollys and Swords stand out. The males have gonopodium, an adaptation to retain the female, copulate and thus fertilize the eggs inside. They are easy to care for and reproduce.
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